Lord…when I love a friend,
remember me that there will be end…
so I will always be with You who will Never End…
Lord…when I miss a lover,
miss me to someone who miss Your true love…
so my feeling that missing You will be more and more…
Lord…if I have to love someone,
meet me with someone that love You more..
so my love to You will be Stronger…
Lord…when I fall in love,
take care that love..
so it will not be over limit my love to You…
Lord…when I say “I love you”,
let me say to someone whose heart connects to You
so I will not fall to the love that is not because of You
Like a wise man said…
Loving someone is nothing…
Loved by someone is sumthin’
Loved by someone you love is precious..
But loved by your Creator is EveRyThiNG..
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